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Bitcoin and its peculiar, decentralized transaction system, have already ignited interest by professional and retail traders in search for profits and by economists and legal experts, looking for possible regulation to contain illegal uses. We instead examine the unexpected and ongoing success of Bitcoin from a sociological perspective, first questioning its unusual legitimation system, backed by the so called ‘blockchain technology’, instead of by governmental authorities. Then we collect data and elements to reconstruct Bitcoin’s history as a cryptocurrency, starting from the mysterious story surrounding its birth. We then follow its spread and development through social networks and words of mouth, together with its sudden booms and bursts, finally to suggest that both users and institutional regulators should be aware of the risks of Bitcoin and of its alleged power to challenge our very notion of money.  相似文献   
随着我国经济的转型发展创新教育在大学教育中的地位被凸显出来,技职类大学的创新教育是摆在我们面前的一个实际课题。我国台湾地区高校这类教育开始比大陆早一些,在政策的制定、教师的培养、课程的设计等方面有一些经验可以借鉴,能给我们一些重要的启示。  相似文献   
建国初期毛泽东的反贫困思想,是马克思主义反贫困理论实现中国化的第一大理论成果,也是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分。深入了解建国初期中国农村的贫困现状,科学把握建国初期毛泽东反贫困思想的基本原则及其主要内容,对当下贯彻落实习近平新时代精准扶贫思想具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

While much literature has focused on the meaning of home, relatively little has been conducted on homemaking in later life. This paper demonstrates the importance of time in conceptualizations of home. Using an extensive case study from a multi-interview study with eight older people in England, it is shown that gardening can form the basis of a temporal framework which structures a life. Importantly, gardening can seem essential in homemaking and a reason not to move to residential living. This paper builds on literature that suggests home is a process and that people’s conceptualization and experience of home develop throughout their lives. As ageing and dying have become long and complicated processes, it is argued older people may find this challenging as this makes it difficult to prepare for the end of life.  相似文献   
同美  益卓 《民族学刊》2018,9(3):65-72, 117-119
从藏族古代文化的视角来看,金器太阳神鸟图似乎与斯巴嘎巴和迥瓦风轮的观念有关,斯巴嘎巴和迥瓦风轮观涉及藏族本教的空间时间观和宇宙本体观。斯巴嘎巴是藏语的汉语对音,指空间和时间。迥瓦是藏语的汉语对音,指风火水土四元素。风轮是藏语的汉语意思表达,指“风”为元初原动力的宇宙形成观。在藏语言里,黄金面具实为金面。古藏人非常重视头发及其发型,即便是对死者补妆也是如此,在为死者补妆时,发辫被排在了补妆12点数的首选位置,且头发与绿松石相对应。  相似文献   
为识别中国参与全球经济治理体系改革面临的挑战,探索《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)的签署为中国参与全球经济治理体系改革带来的机遇,对中国借力RCEP推动全球经济治理体系改革的路径进行研究。研究发现,既有全球经济治理体系机制建设滞后,个别国家蓄意设置治理障碍,逆全球化浪潮削弱了改革共识; RCEP能够为中国参与全球经济治理体系改革带来新的契机,有助于重构合理高效的全球经济治理机制,消弭单边和霸权主义障碍,弥合全球多边政治互信; 中国亟需紧抓RCEP签署的机遇,加快构建开放型经济新体制,凝聚区域经贸合作伙伴力量妥善处理中美竞合新关系,积极探索全球投资贸易治理机制创新,推动“一带一路”倡议与RCEP框架良好对接,守护多边主义,巩固政治互信。  相似文献   
2018年3月,日本发布新的《高等学校学习指导要领》。这是日本自第二次世界大战后70多年来,对高中课程最大规模的一次修订,体现了日本高中教育发展的新趋势,标志着日本从此告别“宽松教育”而走向“生存能力”教育。由“历史综合”“日本史探究”“世界史探究”组成的新高中历史课程,立足“人”的发展,构建了“必修+选修、通史+专题”的课程体系,课程内容更加突出本国史与世界史的联系,课程学习倡导“主题+探究”的学习方式。日本高中历史课程的内容设置及特点启示我们,高中历史课程编制应加强中国史与世界史的横向关联,课程内容应体现探究性学习要求。  相似文献   
Recognizing the importance of values and the specific characteristics of participants and situations in voluntary organizations, we examine how value congruence—the fit or compatibility of values between participants and the organization, or among participants—interacts with personal and situational factors to predict participants' length of stay in their organizations. Introducing the case of a voluntary organization that offers shared housing, we measure value congruence through textual similarity in the self‐introduction documents of 49 participants and the organization's mission statement. This approach differs from the self‐reported measures based on participants' perceptions or recalled interactions used in previous studies. In line with expectation‐disconfirmation theory, participants with the strongest beliefs in organizational values had shorter lengths of stay. The amount of intraorganizational communication also moderated the relationship between value congruence and length of stay. This study provides theoretical and methodological implications for nonprofit management by considering personal and situational factors and evaluating value congruence by textual similarity.  相似文献   
贾怀勤等 《统计研究》2021,38(12):30-41
数字贸易是构建“以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进”的新发展格局的新模式和新业态,也是各国参与国际竞争与合作的重要领域。然而,国际社会对数字贸易概念的认识还比较模糊,直接影响着数字贸易市场拓展和规则制定,数字贸易测度也成为国际贸易统计领域具有挑战性课题。本文在回顾和梳理国际社会关于数字贸易概念和测度方法既有论述的基础上,提出了数字贸易的“二元三环”概念架构,构建了测度数字贸易规模的指标体系,开发了以“实际数字交付比率”为关键的数字贸易测度法,并使用中国“两化融合”平台数据库的数据,对中国2018—2019 年数字贸易进出口总额进行了试测度。本文的研究成果对我国数字贸易测度研究以及有关部门建立数字贸易统计监测制度具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、数理统计法,对福建省高校学前体育教育专业人才培养模式进行研究。结果表明:国家教育规划是学前体育教育专业人才培养的重要依据,全面二胎政策是学前体育教育专业人才的需求动力,是高校体育教育专业人才就业对口多样化的重要途径;省内各区域幼儿园数量、入园幼儿人数、专任教师数量逐年增加,亟需学前体育教师人才;高校体育教育专业拥有丰厚的教学优势,有利学前体育教师人才的培养。  相似文献   
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